More of the house at the beach. Built up barge's, exposed t&g pine soffits, 4x8 rough sawed tails, timber accents.

Neahkahnie Mountain & the Pacific Ocean

Here is our latest foundation to be framing on.  Not a bad view.  I need to bring a good camera & get better photo's, but hopefully this wets the appetite.  We just started, & the first day in the beginning of May felt much more like late November. 50 mph gusts & driving rain.  Honestly, I enjoyed it a little, but was happier today with some blue sky peeking through.  The first 5 years of my married life were spent on the North Oregon coast.  It is a terribly awesome place, and a great challenge to build in.  It will throw much of what the Pacific has to offer at you on any given day.  This forces better construction practices (hopefully); and I appreciate that.  Pushing things to the limit helps you define your boundaries.  Here's to a great house that a family will enjoy and relax in for years to come.

the state of construction...

After driving to the Oregon coast to look at our companies next project, I came back fairly encouraged. We have seen several large (5-9000 sf) custom home plans cross my desk for bids on framing & siding lately. At the coast, things seemed to be rolling along- the foundation guy said he had been very busy, & this is looking to be a banner year. It would seem that people who are either very creative with financing 2nd homes, or people who finance them the old fashioned & secure way (Cash-outa-pocket) are realizing that now is a great time to build. Our prices our down like 30% and the product (our labor), is great. I wear my bags most days and our employees have rarely been as skilled. We are hunkered down & trying to weather the storm... with prayer & hard work.

So, here is Alpine Design. If you know of anyone that needs the services that we offer, please get us in touch. Spread the word on behalf of a company that is striving to build something for our children's future. And do it with integrity. Thanks for reading.
It all adds up to about 56' from the dirt... we thought about putting in a "mountain goat wanted" add on craigslist. Now the decks are framed where you can see the ledger boards, & all the windows are set. We are ready to begin siding any day.

House on a Hill

Rocky Butte... aptly named. If you are going to build it, do it up right. So if you have driven down 82nd in Portland, and looked to the east on the side of Rocky Butte, you may have seen a house being built, and been a bit concerned. Who is crazy enough to build a house on a 50 degree slope, w/ a foundation? Well, I thought it looked like a good challenge. So here you go. It does have killer views. I need to figure out how to get some good pictures that capture the panoramic spectacle as you look out over what seems like most of the west coast.

Mayfield Cabin

Now this cabin, on Mayfield Lake, somehow seems more "Cabinish" than Larry and Rita's, even though it has a garage for a basement.  I guess really the purpose behind the cabin experience is more whatever brings a sense of relaxation.  For this couple, water skiing is what brings the family together, and the ability to leave the boat at their favorite lake, and have a retreat ready for entertaining the family or friends.  I think maybe letting the cars sleep outside in the cold is what helps Rita feel like they have escaped and found a refuge in the mountains.  Both projects have been pleasing to be a part of.  Whatever we can do to help families relax & stay close, that's what we are about.  I think I might have to try out the whole "vacation" thing someday.


Why a blog?

Well, to put it simply, it works for us.  With encouragement from all different avenues over the past several years to have a presence on the web, my oldest daughter has convinced me that this will be a relatively pain free experience.  Alpine Design has been without any significant PR other than word of mouth, and I don't want to loose that closeness to our customers.  I do desire to allow customers and prospective customers get to know us in a non-pretentious way.  So, here is the beginnings of our web presence.  As I have given thought to what this will all be about, I am realizing that there is much to write about, and I intend to share our company values, current projects, thoughts on new products and techniques in carpentry, hopefully some good pictures, and possibly a link to a video or two of our crew and what we do.  Anyway, thanks for looking.
