After driving to the Oregon coast to look at our companies next project, I came back fairly encouraged. We have seen several large (5-9000 sf) custom home plans cross my desk for bids on framing & siding lately. At the coast, things seemed to be rolling along- the foundation guy said he had been very busy, & this is looking to be a banner year. It would seem that people who are either very creative with financing 2nd homes, or people who finance them the old fashioned & secure way (Cash-outa-pocket) are realizing that now is a great time to build. Our prices our down like 30% and the product (our labor), is great. I wear my bags most days and our employees have rarely been as skilled. We are hunkered down & trying to weather the storm... with prayer & hard work.
So, here is Alpine Design. If you know of anyone that needs the services that we offer, please get us in touch. Spread the word on behalf of a company that is striving to build something for our children's future. And do it with integrity. Thanks for reading.