Neahkahnie Mountain & the Pacific Ocean

Here is our latest foundation to be framing on.  Not a bad view.  I need to bring a good camera & get better photo's, but hopefully this wets the appetite.  We just started, & the first day in the beginning of May felt much more like late November. 50 mph gusts & driving rain.  Honestly, I enjoyed it a little, but was happier today with some blue sky peeking through.  The first 5 years of my married life were spent on the North Oregon coast.  It is a terribly awesome place, and a great challenge to build in.  It will throw much of what the Pacific has to offer at you on any given day.  This forces better construction practices (hopefully); and I appreciate that.  Pushing things to the limit helps you define your boundaries.  Here's to a great house that a family will enjoy and relax in for years to come.