This might not be exactly what you would expect to find here, on this web-sit, but here it is, so read on.
This is our public library systems newest building. The Vancouver Community Library. I thought a couple of, er... uh... thoughts might be nice.
It is a LEEDS Gold building. This means it was built with intentionality and focus on "sustainable building practices". Complex & integrated systems for HVAC, lighting, landscaping with native plants that require little water, etc. The Gold seal is pretty impressive for a building or this scope, only topped by Platinum.
I appreciate the architecture. I have heard complaints that in any city the most impressive building is usually a public one; the court house, library, city hall, etc. This is said with a negative tone. I argue it is a thing to be proud of. Libraries in particular are funded locally through property taxes and donations. This means that the very people who are the primary users are the ones deciding what the budget will be. Most of the architecture that came out of Communist Russia was nothing to write home about. It was typically budget focused and directed from a very strong & centralized government. It may have been the ultimate in practicality, but it did not stand the test of time. I lean towards the idea that if something is worth doing, it should be done well. Museums built like strip malls make me queazy.
It is free. All they ask is that you not use it as a hotel room. What a great resource. You can get online, ask reference librarians to help with a project, grab a coffee and borrow a book and expand your grey matter. When I see it, it reminds me that I live in a great country.
If you are ever in or around Vancouver, even for a day, stop by and take a look.