Window Install 101- step 1

Step 1: You have a framed house, addition, barn... whatever & if it has windows, there should be holes in the walls. In the Pacific NW, most everything we build is inspected, including the type & thickness of plywood used for framing as well as the type, length, diameter & spacing of the nails used as well as if they were installed flush & straight. All of this might not seem of great importance relating to how to set a window, but... the required inspections limit our ability to install the vapor retarder right after framing. This makes window installation a bit more tricky.

MAKE SURE YOU ARE BEGINNING WITH AN OPENING THAT FITS THE WINDOW YOU WILL BE INSTALLING! Check for square (the diagonal measurements should be equal) and the sill should be level. You should also check the window itself. Sweep the sill, & check that it is clean/free of debris- as well as dry. This is to allow proper adhesion for the flashing materials.

Tack flashing paper across the bottom of the sill. You can use a couple roofing nails, or a hammer-tacker w/A11 staples. In either choice, keep the penetrations at the top & minimize the amount (less is more). The flashing paper should be loose @ the bottom- this allows for the vapor retarder to go underneath it later.

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